I've performed more than 1200 weddings. I have a variety of verses that I've prepared along with each couple to personalize their ceremony. I encourage individual input to create a special celebration for a more memorable wedding as well as a civil union, commitment ceremony or for those who wish to renew their wedding vows.
At our consultation we will discuss the type of ceremony you desire, the personal writing of your service, editing and preparing your vows. We will decide the placement of your wedding party, processional, recessional, escorting and seating of grandparents and parents. Should you have children, if desired, we will plan an additional ceremony uniting the family.
We will address any concerns that you have and I will offer you a variety of pleasant and reliable solutions. Please call me to set up a consultation. Upon your call I will mail you a complete wedding packet with instructions on how to apply for a marriage license, a sample ceremony, a fee schedule and a contract for my services.
C. 203-241-4300 H. 203-426-3074
​Information required:
Names - Email Address - Phone Number
Venue/Location - Date & Time